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Puppy Questionnaire

Request a questionnaire form to start your journey to a Heartland Aussies puppy!

Preparing for Your New Puppy
Before going forward with any puppy purchase, you will be required to fill out our puppy questionnaire. Before that though, please read through and consider all the things that a new puppy might mean to your lifestyle.
Time: Do you have time? To walk, exercise and train? Will your puppy sit in a crate for 10 hours a day?
Resources: Do you have the financial ability for food, vet bills, and care that goes in to a puppy? Will you need to pay someone to pet sit while you go on vacations?
Kids: Do you have small children? Will they enjoy a puppy that will inevitably, chase, chew and scratch them?
Knowledge: Do you have a basic understanding of animals, and animal behavior? Do you understand that animals do not think and react like humans? Do you know that an 8,10,12 week old puppy may howl and cry for his mama every night for WEEKS? Do you understand that a 6 month old puppy is going to be bouncing off your walls and chewing everything you own, and will it be as cute then, as it was at 8 weeks old? Do you know that puppies do not “come trained”, that everything your puppy knows must come from you? That you must teach him every command you wish him to obey? Do you know how to train a puppy?
These are just a few of the things to consider when thinking of buying a puppy. These are some of the things people don't think of in advance. Be honest with yourself, and make sure you are ready before taking the next step!

Thanks for submitting!

Puppy Application Form: Job Application
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